The Project ID

Project Objectives

Main Objective

Prepare youth organisations and youth workers to identify the early signs and prevent the development of gaming disorder among youth.

Other Objectives

  • Raise awareness about the negative effects of excessive gaming;
  • Provide youth workers and youth organisations with the knowledge to recognise the signs of gaming disorder, disambiguating it from normal gaming behaviour;
  • Equip youth workers with the tools to identify early signs of gaming disorder among young people;
  • Promote the development of new policies for the identification and prevention of gaming disorder.

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Project Activities & Deliverables

MINDSET is a collaborative project with a duration of 36 months and will focus on three main activities that correspond to the most important expected results:

  • Organisational Guide for Youth Workers;
  • Capacity Building Program for Youth Workers; and
  • Policy Recommendations and Roadmap.

Organisational Guide for Youth Workers

The collection of necessary data on the situation of gaming disorder and the measures taken to tackle it in national contexts, will be coupled with the insight on the views of young people and youth workers to generate National Reports.

Such reports allow to improve the knowledge of young people and increase awareness among them regarding gaming disorder through the publishing of an Handbook for Youth.

The actual result will be the increased awareness on the organisational changes that need to be made in youth organizations in order to meet the needs of young people with gaming disorder or at risk of gaming disorder, that will lead to the Organisational Guide for Youth Workers.

Capacity Building Program for Youth Workers

The main aims of this activity are to provide youth workers with the necessary knowledge on gaming disorder and to make them familiarise with useful tools that will assist them in the process of identification and prevention of gaming disorder through the development of a Capacity Building Program for youth workers, of specific Action Sheets, and of Self-Evaluation Questionnaire for youth.

Of course, this implies the enhancement of the competences of youth workers on identifying and preventing gaming disorder on youth with the help of Assessment test for youth workers, on the one hand, and a constant progression in the capacities of trainers to train youth workers on the materials produced by the means of ad-hoc training activities (LTTA session) and e-Learning platform.

Pilots will be rolled out and reported to test the effectiveness of the instruments for the youth workers produced.

Policy Recommendations and Roadmap

The evidences and reports on the impact of the interventions made in the previous stage have on improving the skills of youth workers will be used to map the needs for policy changes in order to respond to the emerging needs of young people with gaming disorder or at risk of developing gaming disorder.

This effort will result in an Experience Roadmap that will guide the development of Policy Recommendations related to gaming disorder among young people. 

An International Online Event will be organised to present the main products and findings to all relevant stakeholders and share the experiences gained during the implementation of the project. 
